Home > Priorities > UNO College of Business Administration
The strength of UNO’s College of Business Administration lies in its ability to provide an exceptional education that prepares graduates for lasting success. The college is also deeply invested in addressing pressing issues in Omaha and the region through education, providing service to the community and forming partnerships with businesses and nonprofits.
Offering high-quality educational opportunities to students in the region enables them to reach their true career potential and thus enhance their lives and the lives of their families. Scholarships are a top priority for the college to increase access to higher education and recruit top students.
At the College of Business Administration, highly knowledgeable and skilled educators contribute significantly in their academic areas through high-quality research. To recruit and retain top-level faculty, the college seeks professorships in areas such as corporate diversity, equity and inclusion; leadership; supply chain management; business analytics; digital marketing; professional selling; and financial markets.
Our faculty conduct research that matters. They are recognized experts in their fields, producing research that is used to strengthen economies, prevent terrorism, improve supply chain management and enhance health care. You can support research through gifts directed toward faculty stipends, postdoctoral research associates, graduate assistants, equipment, travel and research expenses.
The College of Business Administration provides learning experiences that enable our students to become knowledgeable, motivated and resourceful business professionals. Our faculty help grow Nebraska’s economy through relevant research and diverse community engagement.
– Dr. Steve Schulz, Ph.D.
Interim John Becker Dean of the College of Business Administration
Student Programming
The college provides many high-impact services to ensure degree completion and job placement through our CBA Student Success Center, including the CBA Undergraduate Advising Center and the CBA Career Center.
Scholarships play a key role in recruiting top students and making a college education accessible and affordable for people from all walks of life. There is still great need for scholarships and many opportunities for donors to make a life-changing difference.
Endowed Chairs and Professorships
Our faculty’s research and community engagement add new knowledge to the world and make a true difference. The faculty support from endowed chairs and professorships will enhance recruitment and retention of top faculty who in turn will strengthen the quality of the college’s education and research programs.