Make an affordable and excellent education achievable for every student by opening up access and inspiring generations of Nebraska leaders.
Move the university forward by making Nebraska the destination for the exceptional faculty members, researchers and health care professionals who will innovate as they educate.
Meet the pressing needs of our communities, supporting the hard work of researchers who will save lives and solve Nebraska’s — and the world’s — biggest challenges.
You need only look to see the progress we’ve made toward our goals of $3 billion and 150,000 unique donors. But in this monumental effort, there’s always more to do. Step up and join us.
“In Nebraska, we’ve shown that when we rally around a big idea and work hard to get it done, anything is possible. Indeed, the unity of purpose in building a better future is something I’ve experienced Only in Nebraska. Together, we’re now poised to bring our cherished university from excellent to truly extraordinary.”
Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D., University of Nebraska System President
Inspire the next donor by sharing your unique perspective on how you have witnessed amazing things happening in education, research, industry and innovation at the University of Nebraska – things that can happen Only in Nebraska.
Go all in and make a gift. Make a contribution to set in motion every big idea that builds a better future.
Click here to receive the Only in Nebraska quarterly email newsletter. The newsletter features student and donor stories as well as provides updates on both campaign goals.