Future Teacher Overcomes the Odds with Help from Donors

By Lily Dohmen

We all know that overcoming trials and conflict is part of what makes a good story. If you bought tickets to see a superhero movie in which the hero has no villain to fight and lives in a world where nothing ever goes wrong, you’d ask for your money back.

It turns out what makes a good story in the movies also makes a good story in real life. For University of Nebraska-Lincoln sophomore Marlana Saalfeld-Green, trials have been a part of her journey. But, thanks to donors, she’s been able to overcome them.

Saalfeld-Green grew up in a single-parent household and spent a lot of time with her grandparents while her mother worked two jobs. Although she is grateful for the sacrifices her family has made to put her in a position to succeed, she was still at a disadvantage.

A recent study published in the journal Education Next found that teens who lived in a single parent household were 26% less likely to graduate from college by the time they were 24 when compared with those from a two-parent household. One of the main factors was finances. Thankfully, Saalfeld-Green found financial and moral support.

Because her grandparents didn’t attend college and her mom was a non-traditional college student, their perspective was valuable in communicating to Saalfeld-Green the importance of pursuing an education after high school. “My grandparents, along with my mom, told me I needed to go to college,” Saalfeld-Green said. “They wanted me to get an education past my high school degree.”

Thanks to donors, she was able to make it happen. Scholarships through the College of Education and Human Sciences have paved the way for her to become a teacher when she graduates. “My life would be significantly different if I didn’t have support from donors,” Saalfeld-Green said. “UNL has been a place where I can spread my wings by getting involved in college activities. I feel included here.”

Saalfeld-Green knew she wanted to be a secondary education teacher because she wants to promote diversity and inclusion in the school system. From previous experiences in high school, she was, at times, frustrated with how her teachers treated her. “In my classroom, I want to build a community where everybody feels respected to share their viewpoints, no matter what background they come from,” Saalfeld-Green said.

Saalfeld-Green is currently a Senator for CEHS, Vice President of the Future Teachers of Color Club, Senator of the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska and a member of the Institute for Inclusive Innovation. Many of the clubs and organizations CEHS offers students are also donor funded.

Even though we will likely never write a superhero movie, we can all play a meaningful part in an ongoing real life story. Trials like the ones Marlana Saalfeld-Green faced will continue to challenge students in our communities. We can help them overcome these trials and conflicts by providing them with much needed financial relief.

To see more students like Marlana Saalfeld-Green succeed, consider making a gift of any amount to the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Support the College of Education and Human Sciences

A gift to this fund provides much needed general support for the college to assist areas and programs of greatest need.

Support Education & Human Sciences Scholarships/ Fellowships

This fund shall be used to promote the mission of the College of Education and Human Sciences at UNL.

My life would be significantly different if I didn’t have support from donors.

Powerful Partnership Results in Launch of Engler Enterprise Financing Program

By Lexi Bodlak, Public Relations Storyteller, Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program

Good people, good drinks and the good life. Abby Miller, a recent University of Nebraska–Lincoln graduate, found her passion and purpose in bringing these three things together.

Miller, who grew up in Mead, Nebraska, enrolled as a freshman in Engler 101, the introductory course in the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program. During a class pitch competition, she realized she could make memories and a profit through her love of bringing people together. Her business idea: convert a 1950s Chevrolet into a mobile tap truck serving Nebraska.

She received mentoring and guidance from Engler staff and financial support for her business venture from the recently created Engler Enterprise Financing Program, launched in cooperation with Union Bank & Trust (UBT) and Farm Credit Services of America.

Miller spent $3,000 to pay for half of the truck, lovingly named Pat, and her dad loaned her the rest of the funds. She went right to work giving Pat a facelift. As you can imagine, the pickup (found in a shed with no roof) had a few dings. After many late nights and a lot of elbow grease, Pat was fully restored and ready for service.

Shortly thereafter, Miller launched Pat on Tap. Ever since, Miller and her vintage Chevrolet have traveled around eastern Nebraska serving drinks and bringing people together at weddings, parties and other special events. “I didn’t do this alone,” she said, citing the Engler Enterprise Financing Program (also known as the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Loan Program).

“For many of us, our only financial backing comes from family savings — if that,” said Miller, who graduated from UNL in May 2024. “As students, we don’t have collateral to secure traditional small business loans.”

That’s where the loan program comes in. With the support of a $25,000 loan, Miller is positioned to scale her business beyond what she thought possible. She has two vehicles in her fleet and will soon have a third. At just 23 years old, she plans to expand her business into western Nebraska and beyond the state’s borders to other Midwestern cities.

Miller was the first recipient of a loan from the new program. It’s designed to provide start-up funding for Engler students, offering low-interest loans to students who might not otherwise be able to obtain them.

Before applying, Engler students first participate in an education and training program to learn about business management and the loan application process. Through the Engler Enterprise Financing Program, students gain real-world experience in securing funding, said Brennan Costello, the Engler program’s chief business relations officer. Because of close collaboration between students and staff, he’s confident the loan repayment rate will be high. As recipients pay back their loans, the funds will be used to support other student-entrepreneurs’ business ideas.

The financing program is administered in partnership with UBT, providing low-interest business loans ranging from $5,000 to $25,000 and repayment terms of one to three years.

“UBT is proud to support the Engler program and its efforts to assist students in starting and growing their businesses. Many times, businesses can’t get off the ground as they have no access to resources, whether that be financial or a support system,” said Stephanie Dinger, vice president of small business at UBT. “We feel this is a wonderful partnership as we not only can provide financial support regarding a low-interest loan, but we also provide financial literacy and a point of contact for students as they grow and have additional needs.”

Farm Credit Services of America made a $35,000 gift through the University of Nebraska Foundation to prototype the financing program.

“We created the initial gift because the project provides hands-on learning for Engler students to build their business plans and engage with a lender to access a loan for their business,” said Bob Campbell, senior vice president of lending with Farm Credit Services of America/Frontier Farm Credit. “We believe that business owners need to be able to communicate the strategic vision of their company and demonstrate the business acumen needed to obtain financing or equity partners.”

As the Engler program continues to grow, the number of students who want to expand their business ventures is also growing. To support the student-entrepreneurs, philanthropic support is requested to expand the Engler Enterprise Financing Program.

When the late Paul Engler founded the Engler program in 2010, his vision was to provide students with the experience and support they need to return to their communities inspired to build sustainable businesses. The Engler program provides students with the academic, emotional and financial support to make their dreams a reality.

Without the Engler loan, Miller said she may have needed to take out a traditional loan, with a higher interest rate and risk not having the collateral to support it. “It might be the only way some of these ventures can exist,” she said.

She credits Engler staff for helping her sort through her business ideas, particularly Director Tom Field, Chief Learning Officer Dave Lambe and Costello.

“The Engler community has been my biggest champion,” Miller said. “They push me to dream bigger and give me the resources to make it happen.”

Engler Enterprise Financing Program
  • The Engler Enterprise Financing Program provides Engler students at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln with access to low-interest loans to transform their entrepreneurial dreams into reality. To learn more about the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Program, go to englerjourney.com.
  • To learn more about supporting the Engler Agribusiness Entrepreneurship Loan Program Fund, contact Justin Swanson, senior director of development for the Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska Foundation, at [email protected].

Missouri Native Becomes a Husker Fan

By Susan Houston Klaus

Paul Garnett has been a loyal Husker Athletics fan ever since he moved to Nebraska from his home state of Missouri nearly 49 years ago.

A Burnett Society member, Paul believes so strongly in the combination of athletics and education, he’s giving back to the University of Nebraska–Lincoln in the form of an athletic scholarship in his name. He’s made a planned gift to the University of Nebraska Foundation to benefit the Husker Athletics program.

Playing sports, Paul said, has always been an important part of his life.

“I had an older cousin who was a good athlete, so we did backyard competitions about anything and everything,” he said. “Just naturally, I guess, I gravitated toward sports — Little League baseball and flag football, and track, basketball and baseball in high school.”

Paul’s athletic talent earned him a college basketball and baseball scholarship, giving him an opportunity he says he otherwise wouldn’t have been able to afford.

“I grew up on a small farm in central Missouri, and we didn’t have a lot of financial wherewithal as a family,” he said. “I doubt that I would have been able to financially go to college if it wasn’t for an athletic scholarship.”

Paul earned his bachelor’s degree in physical education at Truman State University. He was working toward a master’s degree — with plans of being a coach — when his father passed away. Family responsibilities came first, and he left school to help his mom run the family’s farm for about a year and a half.

Paul returned to school after that, but he changed his area of study to finance and economics. It was a move, he said, that would alter his life trajectory. He got a job as a salesperson with brokerage firm Edward Jones, and in 1976 he was scouting communities where he could open a new office. A few Nebraska towns were open to talking with him. So, he came to see the southeast part of the state and a few days later chose Beatrice as his new home — starting his life over from scratch “and not knowing a person,” he said.

Today, Paul has four decades of experience in the finance industry. He’s the co-owner, with his daughter, Traci Garnett-Froscheiser, of Garnett Investment Strategies. For 12 years, the company has managed assets for nonprofit organizations as a registered investment adviser, or RIA.

As an entrepreneur, Paul has been involved in more than 20 private equity companies, including ag, tech, medical emergency evacuation, and health and dietary startups. For example, his management company operates the second-largest egg producer in the United States.

Paul became involved with Husker Athletics during the early 1980s, when each sport had a booster club with a board of directors. Serving on those boards, he got to know men’s basketball head coach Danny Nee and, later, coach Doc Sadler and former Athletic Director Bill Byrne. Paul has been a loyal Husker fan and often attends games with his family.

“We go to a lot of games,” he said. “We’ve got eight football tickets and four basketball tickets, and we go to all the football games and almost all of the basketball games.”

Occasionally, he attends a volleyball match and also enjoys watching Husker Baseball.

Paul feels confident having the University of Nebraska Foundation manage the assets he’s leaving to the university.

“I’m a big fan of the foundation,” he said. “I have watched their investment policy statements and how well they diversify and manage the returns that are out there. I feel very comfortable that the assets I leave behind will be managed well for many, many generations to come to support Nebraska scholarships and Nebraska facilities.”

Paul said his success is “maybe the result of some hard work, and maybe a lot of luck along the way.” He’s a believer in donating his time and resources to things he has a passion for.

“I guess I’m in the business where I understand that we’re all mortal,” he said, “and if I have some kind of financial assets left behind, you look at family, you look at God, you look at the passions that you support.”

As Paul reflects on the success he’s had, he knows young people just need an opportunity.

“I think it’s beneficial to help kids find their way to get to higher education,” he said. “So I want to make sure the facilities are good. I want to make sure that there’s scholarship money. I want to pass it on.”

Maximizing Our Strengths

By Robyn Murray

“What will happen when we think about what is right with people rather than fixating on what is wrong with them?”

That question was posed by Don Clifton, a psychologist, University of Nebraska–Lincoln professor, chair of the consulting firm Gallup and creator of the CliftonStrengths assessment, a psychological test used all over the world. Clifton, who died in 2003, was considered “the father of strengths-based psychology and the grandfather of positive psychology,” by the American Psychological Association.

Today, the Clifton Strengths Institute at UNL continues Clifton’s work. Tim Hodges, Ph.D., executive director of the institute and Joan Heiser Endowed Presidential Chair, said focusing on strengths helps students realize their potential.

“A lot of people lead by imitation, where they follow someone in a role and want to be like that person, and that’s OK,” Hodges said. “But it’s better if you figure out who are you when you’re at your best, what’s your potential, and how can you lean into that potential and really grow and develop over time?”

To understand how that works, we took a closer look at Hodges’ top five Clifton Strengths. Find yours here.


“Maximizers like to take something that’s working and see how much better they can make it,” Hodges said. “In many of our programs, we sort through students who apply to be coaches or Clifton Builders, and we choose students who have a lot of potential and desire to leverage the talents that they have. It’s a joy to invest in them and help them lean into their potential. It’s taking an A and seeing if you can make it an A-plus.”

Hodges’ Maximizer strength relates most to the impact of the presidential chair, a $2 million gift that provides annual revenue for the program. “The donors’ generosity has created a long-term view of what we’re doing,” Hodges said. “We’ve got that level of support that will last forever, and it creates a little more room for us to be creative and to be able to say yes to things.”


“Relators like a close circle of friends that they can really go deep with, and I love that,” Hodges said. “In my Clifton Builders classes, I have the same students for two semesters, so we get to know each other well through a lot of one-on-one and small-group interaction. Building those deeper relationships with a few is exciting for me.”


“Belief is my passion theme,” Hodges said. “Belief is the theme that causes me to say, ‘Does this really matter? Does it align with my values?’ One of my core beliefs is helping people see their potential and grow and learn. It’s not just transferring the content, but it’s helping unlock who the person can be into their future.”


“Woo is about winning others over,” Hodges said. “I love the first day of school when I walk into a lecture hall with hundreds of students and help them feel welcome, and be a little bit charming if I can, and help them feel a part of what we’re about here at the university. Almost every student in this building, at some point, has had my class, and so walking around the hall and knowing that we’ve had at least some kind of a connection is exciting, right?”


“Positivity is a lot about bringing energy to a situation,” Hodges said. “I love to walk into a room and see if I can pep things up a bit. Students rarely fall asleep in class when I’m leading the class, and if they do, we have a little bit of fun with them, and then they probably don’t fall asleep again.”

All Creatures Great and Small

Video by Lance Schwartz

The National Geographic Photo Ark exhibit at the University of Nebraska State Museum – Morrill Hall features the work of world-renowned wildlife photographer, Nebraska native and University of Nebraska–Lincoln alumnus Joel Sartore. Sartore has traveled the world in his quest to create a photo archive of global biodiversity and raise awareness of at-risk wildlife. The exhibit was made possible by University of Nebraska Foundation Trustees Mary and Del Lienemann, Jr., who first envisioned a permanent display honoring Sartore’s work in his hometown.

Support the Nebraska State Museum

You can support public programs celebrating Joel Sartore’s powerful permanent exhibition at the University of Nebraska State Museum and double your impact. University of Nebraska Foundation Trustee and board member Anne Hubbard, M.D., has made a generous matching challenge gift of $1 million to support the museum.

‘Teaching is My Calling’

By Susan Houston Klaus

Wheeler Elementary School teacher Emily Lorenzen loves that her 26 second-graders are so eager to learn and try new things. The Millard Public Schools teacher has felt the same connection to the classroom since she was not much older than her students are.

“My aunt was my preschool teacher, and in elementary, middle and high school, I would always go back to her classroom on days that I had off and just help out with whatever her class was doing,” Lorenzen said.

The University of Nebraska at Omaha graduate, who recently earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees, always thought she would have a career in the classroom.

“I just knew that teaching was my calling,” she said.

Lorenzen also has benefited from being a UNO Teacher Scholars Academy student at the College of Education, Health and Human Sciences. The donor-supported academy, also offered at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, provides scholarships and prepares students for teaching careers in the local community through experiential learning. A cohort-based program, the academy was created to address the immediate need for educators and grow the teacher workforce in the state.

Lorenzen said the scholarships provided by the academy have made a world of difference.

“I didn’t have to have the stress of finances and how I was going to afford college,” Lorenzen said. “I just feel very grateful, because I don’t have any loans to pay off. The scholarship also provided me with money to provide supplies for my classroom last year, which was really helpful to making my classroom how I wanted it to be.”

The first cohorts for the Teacher Scholars Academy started in 2019. Since it began, the UNO TSA has enrolled 114 teacher scholars, with a retention rate of 87%. The UNL TSA has enrolled 156 students, with a 91% overall retention rate.

“What is impressive to me is the quality of students TSA attracts and to watch these students grow into critical-thinking, empathetic and sophisticated teacher leaders,” said Braden Foreman-Black, UNL Teacher Scholars Academy coordinator. “Now that we are seeing the payoff of these students now teaching in Nebraska schools, I cannot be prouder of ways we can continue to push the field of teaching to meet the current demands of schools.”

Teacher Scholars Academy graduate Paul Pechous earned his bachelor’s degree in education and special education from UNL in 2024. Today, he’s a special education teacher at North Ridge Middle School in Elkhorn Public Schools. Pechous said building lasting connections with his cohort community has played a key role in reinforcing his decision to become an educator. Those supportive relationships have continued, as graduates helped each other prepare for their first semester of classes last fall.

“I think having a group of like-minded people has been transformative, and it’s reassured me that teaching is what I was meant to do and what I’m supposed to do,” Pechous said.

North Ridge Middle School teacher and Teacher Scholars Academy graduate Paul Pechous

The Scarlet’s New Academic Space Will Offer a ‘Living Laboratory’ for UNL Hospitality Students

By Connie White

Growing up, Abby Cantrell of Lincoln often traveled with her father to conventions and other events around the country. She attended dinners, banquets and concerts, seeing firsthand the results of months of behind-the-scenes preparation by corporate event planners. The experience — and her love of travel — drew her to pursue a career in the field.

“I like the happiness that it can bring other people,” said Cantrell, a junior in the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management (HRTM) program at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. “Event planning can be stressful work, but to see the smiles on their faces after an event lets me know that I was able to make their day.”

Cantrell and other students in the HRTM program will soon learn in a new academic space — one that extends their learning beyond the classroom.

In fall 2025, the HRTM program will move from its current location in Leverton Hall on East Campus to The Scarlet on the Nebraska Innovation Campus. The 154-room Marriott Tribute property, the only hotel on campus, was designed to celebrate Nebraska, with each room highlighting a Nebraska town. The hotel is owned, operated and managed privately, with the academic space managed by the College of Education and Human Sciences.

Fundraising for the first phase of the project, which includes 6,000 square feet of academic space, is complete, and construction is underway. The project is supported by a grant from the Economic Development Administration and a leadership gift from Dean and Jessie Rasmussen of Omaha. Additional private support is being sought for a phase two project to build a 4,000-square-foot commercial teaching kitchen in the hotel.

Ajai V. Ammachathram, Ph.D., HRTM program director, said the academic space in The Scarlet will serve as a “living laboratory” for students, with classrooms, a conference room, lounge space for students and faculty offices.

Abby Cantrell

“The classroom can only take you so far in a major like this,” Ammachathram said. “The students have to experience it.”

The hospitality industry is the third largest revenue generator in Nebraska, with nearly 100,000 people working in the leisure and hospitality sector. In 2022, tourism spending contributed $4.3 billion to Nebraska’s economy.

Ammachathram said that, with the hospitality boom post-COVID-19, the program’s graduates are in high demand. The placement rate has been outstanding, with 150 job offers among the 50 students who graduated in the 2022-23 academic year. He said hospitality students have come to their faculty advisers to say, “I have two or three offers. Which one should I pick?”

Students choose from among six emphasis areas: hotel management, club management, event management, food and beverage management, tourism and human resources. There are 250 students in the program, with 100 majors and 150 minors.

Students must complete three internships before graduation. One of the internship experiences offered through the program is at the Masters Tournament in Augusta, Georgia, where students work as bartenders and servers in hospitality cabins and suites for 10 days.

Cantrell, who has worked at the tournament twice, said that in her first year, she was nervous because she knew “there would be very important people in the room.” In her second year, she returned to the Masters as a student lead from UNL. The staff quickly bonded, she said, and they worked together to provide patrons with exceptional service. She said the experience enhanced her communication, teamwork and customer service skills and showed her firsthand that little details matter.

“Getting the internships and on-the-job experience is probably the most important part of what we do in our program,” said Cantrell, who also has a part-time job at a Lincoln event venue. “Until you learn how to apply what we’re learning and get experience doing that, it’s hard to imagine how to put on an event.”

Lyv Williams, a UNL sophomore from Columbus, Nebraska, also provided hospitality for the Masters Tournament last spring. “That was probably the coolest experience of my entire life,” she said. “I know nothing about golf, but I know a lot about hospitality.”

She also completed an internship this summer at an Omaha event planning and floral arranging business. Williams said her goal is to someday start her own business planning weddings and other events.

Williams said the HRTM program provides her with the foundation she’ll need to run her own business. She also appreciates seeing what she learns in action, so she’s excited to take classes in The Scarlet.

“It showcases so many different aspects of hospitality — a restaurant, coffee shop, event space,” Williams said. “Not to mention, the whole building is stunning.”

Fundraising continues for the commercial teaching kitchen at The Scarlet. Gifts may be made online to the Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism Management Development Fund through the University of Nebraska Foundation.

Lyv Williams

Momentum at the Museum

Trustee Support Strengthens Morrill Hall Near 100-Year Anniversary

By Robyn Murray

After five months of being closed to the public for an extensive renovation of 97-year-old Morrill Hall, the University of Nebraska State Museum at the University of Nebraska -Lincoln reopened its doors March 15. Museum Director Susan Weller, Ph.D., said attendance has broken records.

“People are just so happy to be back in the museum and enjoying all the refreshed amenities and new exhibits,” Weller said.

One of those new exhibits is the National Geographic Photo Ark, which opened April 19 and will be permanently housed at the museum. The exhibit features the work of world-renowned wildlife photographer, Nebraska native and UNL alum Joel Sartore. The exhibit was made possible by the generosity of University of Nebraska Foundation Trustees Mary and Del Lienemann, Jr., who first envisioned a permanent display honoring Sartore’s work in his hometown.

“My goal in establishing a permanent home for the Photo Ark was to provide a location that was always available for people to come and see the Photo Ark, especially families with children, who will be the future guardians of these endangered and threatened species,” said Del Lienemann, Jr.

“The museum is such a valuable resource and teaching tool for the state of Nebraska, and I hope my matching gift encourages new donors to give what they can to support the museum into the future.”

Sartore has traveled the world in his quest to create a photo archive of global biodiversity. His intimate portraits of more than 15,000 species aim to raise awareness of at-risk wildlife and help inspire their protection.

Weller said the exhibit is a perfect fit because the museum helped nurture Sartore’s lifelong passion for wildlife. As a child, Weller said, Sartore would beg his dad to bring him to the museum on weekends. His favorite spot was the Nebraska wildlife diorama, and he would spend his allowance on animal toys in the museum gift shop.

“That’s where he first hatched the idea that he was going to be a zookeeper,” Weller said. “And then he decided, once he came to UNL and began his studies here, that photojournalism was a better career path for him and that documenting wildlife through the camera lens was really his calling.”

Another development at the museum, also made possible by foundation trustees, has provided a long-term investment in one of Nebraska’s unique treasures: Ashfall Fossil Beds State Historical Park. A gift from the Hubbard Family Foundation recognizes UNL Professor Emeritus Michael Voorhies and his wife, Jane, who are credited with discovering the fossil beds in 1971. A National Natural Landmark, Ashfall Fossil Beds are the site of a supervolcanic eruption 12 million years ago that left dozens of perfectly preserved fossil skeletons.

The Hubbard Family Foundation established the Dr. Michael and Jane Voorhies Endowed Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, a permanent fund that will support the research at Ashfall Fossil Beds in perpetuity. The inaugural recipient of the curatorship is Ashley Poust, Ph.D., who most recently served as a postdoctoral researcher at the San Diego Natural History Museum. In addition to overseeing management of the museum’s extensive fossil collection, Poust will educate and train students and staff to ensure sound science for paleontology exhibits and K-12 programming.

Ted Hubbard, Jr., president of the Hubbard Family Foundation and a University of Nebraska Foundation Trustee, said, “My hope is that, through this investment, future generations of students will have the opportunity to learn about and appreciate Nebraska’s unique scientific story.”

The new exhibit and curatorship, plus the recent renovation of Morrill Hall, build on the 2019 redevelopment of the museum’s fourth floor, an $11.4 million privately funded renovation that added a new exhibit space themed Cherish Nebraska.

Anne Hubbard, M.D., who serves as the Only in Nebraska campaign committee chair for the University of Nebraska State Museum and is also a trustee and foundation board member, was instrumental in the Cherish Nebraska renovation and recently established a $1 million challenge gift to help secure the museum’s future.

“One of my goals as an advocate for the museum is to broaden its base of donors,” Hubbard said. “The museum is such a valuable resource and teaching tool for the state of Nebraska, and I hope my matching gift encourages new donors to give what they can to support the museum into the future.”

Gifts may be made online to the University of Nebraska State Museum Only in Nebraska Fund. Donors making gifts between $1,000 and $20,000 are eligible for match funding. Donors wishing to establish a new named expendable or endowed fund may also be eligible for a 1:1 match. Contact Joye Fehringer, senior director of development for UNL Arts and Sciences and UNSM, at [email protected] for more information.

‘Home Is Where the Heart Is’

Pender Graduate Caleb Kelly First to Sign On as Presidential Scholar

By Maddie Pospisil

Family is at the center of Caleb Kelly’s life. So, when he heard about the Presidential Scholars Program at the University of Nebraska, he picked up the phone to see if his perfect ACT score would help him receive a top-tier education while staying close to home.

Kelly, who lives near Pender, Nebraska, learned about the new program when his aunt sent a news article to his mother. He knew he would qualify based on his ACT score, but he wasn’t sure if the program would be up and running in time for his freshman year.

“But then I called and asked if it would apply to me,” Kelly said. “And when they said yes, I was super excited.”

Kelly was the first student to sign with Team Nebraska after the launch earlier this year of the Presidential Scholars Program. The scholarship covers the full cost of undergraduate university attendance — including tuition, fees, books, housing and all other costs — plus a $5,000 annual stipend for any Nebraska student who scores a perfect 36 on the ACT or the SAT equivalent of 1,570 or above. Kelly graduated this year from Pender Public Schools.

The oldest of seven children, Kelly is grateful he had the freedom to choose a university based on his interests and dreams, without worrying about potential debt. He says the scholarship relieved pressure on his parents, who were concerned about college finances.

Then-University of Nebraska Interim President Chris Kabourek and Gov. Jim Pillen jointly launched the scholarship to make Nebraska more competitive for its homegrown talent — students like Kelly. In middle school, Kelly taught himself computer programming languages and calculus. After finding a physics textbook at the Wayne State College library, he dove into physics. He plans to continue pursuing his interest in STEM fields by majoring in computer science and physics.

“I haven’t decided which field I want to go into,” Kelly said. “But wherever I go, it has to have meaning. I need to find something that is meaningful.”

Kelly hopes to find that meaning as part of the Jeffrey S. Raikes School of Computer Science and Management. The Raikes School was the motivating factor for Kelly’s choice to attend the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. He plans to minor in business and believes that the school’s focus on innovation could jump-start an entrepreneurial career.

With Nebraska facing serious brain drain challenges, Kabourek and the governor knew they needed to act urgently in standing up the Presidential Scholars Program to retain more of Nebraska’s best and brightest so they can shape the state’s future. They will help move their chosen university forward, and after graduation, they will help move their communities forward. In the face of urgent workforce needs, it is more important than ever to show these students that there is no place like Nebraska.

This year, 28 Nebraska high school seniors graduated with a perfect ACT score. In all, at least 17 Presidential Scholars will attend college next fall at a University of Nebraska campus. This represents a significant increase from last year, when it’s believed that just nine of the 31 perfect scorers enrolled at a University of Nebraska campus. Building on that momentum, the university now plans to expand the program with the ultimate vision of enrolling an annual cohort of 50 Presidential Scholars.

The Presidential Scholars Program is part of Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future, a historic initiative to engage 150,000 unique benefactors to raise $3 billion and build the future Nebraska needs right now. A top priority of the campaign is students. The Presidential Scholars Program scholarship is renewable for up to four years (or the completion of a bachelor’s degree) at any University of Nebraska campus.

As for Kelly, he is trying not to make too many plans. He is keeping his summer open and waiting to see what the fall will bring. He is excited about the independence that will come with going to college, but he’s glad he isn’t going too far away.

“Home is where the heart is,” Kelly said. “I’m just really grateful for this scholarship. It means a lot to me.”

Donors can support the Presidential Scholars Program by making a gift online.

Libraries Gift Eases UNL Students’ Textbook Expenses

By Susan Houston Klaus 

For junior Matt Girard and other students, textbooks are a costly part of the college experience.

But he and thousands of other students at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln have been able to keep a little more cash in their wallets because of a program that provides free access to e-books and other materials. UNL Libraries launched the Libraries Course Materials program two years ago, and already it has paid big dividends for students.

From spring 2022 through January 2024, more than 6,000 items were provided to more than 23,000 students enrolled in 600-plus classes. That equates to a total estimated savings of $1.7 million for students. Because of a recent gift commitment made through the University of Nebraska Foundation, the program will be expanded to even more classes.

As part of the program, e-books are purchased with unlimited user licenses, which ensures all students in an online course can use the book simultaneously and makes it possible for instructors to use the e-books in their courses. E-books are available to students directly through their online courses by day one of each class.

Girard, an environmental science major, appreciates the no-cost materials. He accessed an e-book for his Soil and Society class as well as a documentary about the Dust Bowl. Not only did the materials give him and his classmates a broader perspective about the topic, “it also was really nice” not to have to purchase the textbook, he said.

“It makes life a little less stressful,” Girard said. “You don’t have to work quite as much to afford books, and then that gives you more time to study or just try to relax and enjoy a little bit more of your free time.”

Judy Turk, Ph.D., an associate professor in the Conservation and Survey Division of the UNL School of Natural Resources, said the program complements the literature circles teaching strategy she uses in her Soil and Society class.

Participants gather over Zoom for small-group discussions after reading the material and then analyze it. Turk uses the Libraries Course Materials program to provide Girard and other students with the readings.

“That format is important to how I teach the class,” Turk said. “I think with online teaching, it’s important to have things that keep students engaged and talking. The program allows me to do that part of the class in an effective and easy way.”

The University Libraries made affordable course materials a priority as part of Only in Nebraska: A Campaign for Our University’s Future, a historic effort to engage at least 150,000 benefactors to give $3 billion to support University of Nebraska students, faculty, academic and clinical programs and research to address the needs of the state.

University of Nebraska Foundation Trustees and 1975 UNL graduates Tom and Candy Henning made a gift pledge to acquire more unlimited licenses to expand the program to more courses, further reducing students’ financial burdens. The Hennings are co-chairs of the campaign’s Libraries Campaign Committee.

Kara Mitchell Viesca, Ph.D., a professor in the College of Education, knows how difficult budgeting for textbooks can be for many students, so she has always tried to keep the materials costs for her courses under $100.

“But that sometimes means we’re not engaging with materials that I think would be really beneficial or that students would gain a lot from,” she said.

The Libraries Course Materials program has freed her up to make decisions about what would best support learning for her students, who are current and future teachers.